摘要: 基于ECMWF的ERA-Interim全球大气再分析资料、MICAPS实况数据和广东省气象观测资料,对比分析了广东惠东高潭1979年、2013年和2018年的三次极端强降水过程的成因。结果表明:造成高潭极端强降水的影响系统有台风本体环流、登陆后的台风残余环流、季风低压外围环流等,其中2018年季风低压影响过程降水量最大;不同过程对流层低层强迫暖湿气流辐合抬升方式不同,分别为冷暖气流相互作用、西南季风和偏南季风地交汇、季风涌、边界层急流等;各过程中伴随的低空西南气流和偏南气流的风速大小差异明显,2013年台风残余环流影响时低空西南(偏南)风风速最大。相同点有:影响天气系统移动缓慢,并长时间维持,为极端强降水的发生发展和维持提供有利的动力条件;西南(偏南)季风、边界层急流或西南气流源源不断的水汽输送,为极端强降水的发展和维持提供了充足的水汽条件,同时低空暖湿气流的输送使得暴雨区大气层结不稳定状态长时间维持,利于持续性强降水的发展。研究结论可为今后高潭及其附近地区极端强降水的预报和决策服务提供理论支撑。Abstract: Based on the ERA-Interim global atmospheric reanalysis data from the ECMWF, MICAPS data and meteorological observational data of Guangdong Province, the present study analyzes the causes of three extremely heavy precipitation events in Gaotan, Huidong in 1979, 2013 and 2018. The results show that the systems affecting the extremely heavy precipitation in Gaotan include typhoon circulation, typhoon residual circulation after landing, and peripheral circulation of monsoon low pressure, and the precipitation in 2018 was the highest. The convergence and uplift modes of forced warm and humid air flow in the lower troposphere are different in the three processes, and the modes include the interaction between cold and warm air, the convergence of southwest monsoon and southerly monsoon, monsoon surge and boundary layer jet. The wind speed of southwest airflow and southerly airflow in different processes varies significantly, and the southwest (southerly) wind speed was the largest under the influence of typhoon residual circulation in 2013. The similarities are as follows. First, the influence system moves slowly and maintains for a long time, which provides favorable dynamic conditions for the initiation, development and maintenance of extreme rainstorms. Second, the continuous water vapor transport of southwest monsoon, boundary layer jet or southwest airflow provide sufficient water vapor conditions for the development and maintenance of extreme rainstorms. Meanwhile, the transport of low-level warm and humid air maintains the unstable atmospheric stratification in the rainstorm area for a long time, which is conducive to the development of persistent heavy rainfall. The above conclusions can provide theoretical support for the prediction of extremely heavy precipitation and decision-making service in Gaotan and its adjacent areas in the future.
图 7 a~c为单点(115.5 °E,23 °N)假相当位温场(单位: K)的垂直-时间剖面图,时段同图 6,d~f为单时次假相当位温水平场,分别为1979年9月24日20:00 925 hPa、2013年8月16日14:00 850 hPa、2018年8月30日02:00 925 hPa
表 1 2013年8月15日20:00—17日20:00阳江、香港和河源探空站风速统计表
时间 850 hPa风速/(m/s) 925 hPa风速/(m/s) 阳江 香港 河源 阳江 香港 河源 15日20:00 16 9 15 15 9 10 16日08:00 17 14 18 14 12 12 16日20:00 11 12 12 10 8 9 17日08:00 14 15 11 11 8 9 17日20:00 12 8 8 9 3 10 表 2 2018年8月29日20:00—31日20:00阳江、香港和河源探空站风速统计表
时间 850 hPa风速/(m/s) 925 hPa风速/(m/s) 阳江 香港 河源 阳江 香港 河源 29日20:00 9 12 11 11 10 7 30日08:00 18 15 14 16 10 8 30日20:00 9 7 10 8 5 7 31日08:00 13 13 10 12 11 8 31日20:00 7 6 10 8 6 8 -
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