摘要: 大气再分析辐射资料克服了传统的地面观测资料缺乏和台站分布不均的缺点,以及卫星遥感反演算法的适用性和传感器精度等问题,采用不同的模型对太阳辐射状况进行动态模拟,并结合实际观测数据对模型进行校正,建立了长时间序列和不同分辨率的数据产品。尽管目前再分析辐射产品评估已经有较多的研究,但是针对我国长时间序列太阳辐射变化的不同再分析辐射资料间的精度对比评估较少,尤其缺乏不同再分析辐射资料空间差异性研究。选取2000—2016年NCEP/DOE、ERA-Interim、GLDASV2.1三种不同空间分辨率的再分析辐射资料,通过对比三种资料与我国辐射观测数据的差异,对三种再分析辐射资料在空间分布和时间序列的适用性进行详细的精确度评估。结果表明,从年资料对比来看,2000—2016年中国区域NCEP辐射资料显著高于其他三种资料,与观测值平均偏差约为1 342.2 MJ/(m2a),东部地区高估现象严重。ERA辐射资料平均偏差为681.8 MJ/(m2a),中国西部、华北及华中地区高估严重。GLDAS辐射资料平均偏差最小为130.2 MJ/(m2a)。从月资料对比来看,三种再分析数据在夏秋季月份的精度比冬春季月份要高。冬半年,三种再分析资料在海拔>1 000 m的东北大兴安岭、西北和云南等地相对误差低于海拔 < 1 000 m的华北、华中、华东、西南和华南地区;但夏半年这种分布现象不明显。Abstract: The lack of traditional ground observational data and the uneven distribution of stations as well as the applicability of remote sensing inversion algorithm and sensor accuracy are solved by atmospheric reanalysis radiation data, which uses different models to simulate solar radiation conditions dynamically and establishes the long-term series products of different resolutions. Although there are many studies that evaluate the reanalysis of radiation products, there are few comparisons and evaluations of the accuracy of the radiation reanalysis data for different long-term solar radiation changes in China, and the research on the spatial difference of different radiation reanalysis data is especially meager. In the present study, three reanalysis radiation data of NCEP/DOE, ERA-Interim, GLDASV2.1 with different spatial resolutions and the observational data from 2000 to 2016 were compared and evaluated. The results suggested that the NCEP radiation data in China is significantly higher than the other three data, and the average deviation from the observed data is about 1?342.2 MJ/(m2a). The areas with severe overestimation are mainly located in the eastern region. The average deviation of ERA radiation data is 681.8 MJ/(m2a), which is seriously overestimated in western, northern and central China. The minimum average deviation of GLDAS radiation data is 130.2MJ/(m2a). The accuracy of the three reanalysis data in summer and autumn months is higher than that in winter and spring months. In winter half-year, the relative errors of the three reanalysis data in the Daxinganling region in northeastern China, northwestern China, and Yunnan where the altitude is greater than 1 000 m are lower than those in the areas where the altitude is less than 1 000 m; however, this phenomenon is not obvious in the summer.
表 1 三种再分析资料主要参数
数据来源 时段/年 时间分辨率 空间分辨率 NCEP/DOE-2 2000—2016 月 1.9 °×1.9 ° ERA-Interim 2000—2016 月 0.75 °×0.75 ° GLDASV2.1 2000—2016 月 0.25 °×0.25 ° 表 2 NCEP、ERA、GLDAS与观测站月平均太阳总辐射误差对比(%)
月份 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 NCEP 30.0 30.3 30.4 30.8 26.6 24.4 20.6 19.5 19.9 20.4 22.8 26.7 ERA 24.1 23.0 22.5 32.1 13.5 8.2 -5.6 5.1 8.2 12.2 14.2 8.9 GLDAS 10.7 7.3 5.2 4.1 0.8 -0.2 -1.6 -0.5 0.7 2.0 5.5 9.0 -
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