摘要: 使用NCEP (National Centerfor Environmental Prediction) FNL (Final Operational Global Analysis)资料作为初始场和边界条件,用WRF(Weather Research and Forecasting model)模式对西太平洋超强台风“彩云”(0914)进行数值模拟,结合CloudSat卫星数据产品评估Lin、WSM6、Thompson和WDM6四种云微物理参数化方案对热带气旋模拟的适用性。结果表明:不同参数化方案模拟的环流形式区别不大,但对于热带气旋中心的最低气压模拟有差别。WSM6与WDM6模拟的热带气旋云量最多,Lin方案最少。但不同参数化方案模拟的热带气旋云系位置比较一致。不管从模拟的云冰剖面图还是剖面平均的云冰含量看,Thompson方案对云冰的模拟效果都是最优。雷达反射率强回波区域与云冰含量的高值区相对应,但高值区的强度、中心高度均大于CloudSat观测。水成物分布特征表明,Lin方案模拟的冰晶粒子与雪粒子较其他方案分布高度更高且含量偏小,雪粒子大部分由冰晶粒子碰并过程形成; Thompson方案中冰晶粒子快速向雪粒子转换导致冰晶含量非常小; WSM6方案与WDM6方案模拟的水成物分布接近,但WSM6的垂直速度明显大于WDM6方案,由雪粒子、霰粒子融化形成的雨水含量更高。Abstract: The western Pacific super-strong typhoon Choi-Wan(0914) is simulated using the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model based on the National Center for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Final Operational Global Analysis (FNL) data. The applicability of the four parameterization schemes of Lin, WSM 6, Thompson and WDM 6 to the simulation of tropical cyclone is also evaluated in combination with the CloudSat satellite product. The results show that different parameterized schemes have little difference in the simulation of circulations, but there are differences in the simulation of the lowest pressure in the center of the tropical cyclone. The cloudiness of tropical cyclone simulated by WSM 6 and WDM 6 is the highest, and that of Lin scheme is the lowest, but the location of tropical cyclone simulated by different parameterization schemes is similar. As for simulated cloud ice profile and the average ice water content of the profile, Thompson scheme is the best for ice water content simulation. The strong echo area of radar reflectivity corresponds to the high value area of ice water content, but the intensity and central height of high value area are higher than the observational data from CloudSat. The height of cloud ice and snow particles simulated by Lin scheme is higher than that of other schemes, and the content of snow particles is smaller. Most of the snow particles are formed by the collision process of cloud ice particles. The cloud ice content is very small in Thompson scheme simulation due to the rapid conversion of cloud ice particles to snow particles. The distribution of water products simulated by WSM 6 is similar to that of WDM 6, but vertical velocity simulated by WSM 6 is higher than that of WDM 6, and it is the same with the content of rainwater formed by melting snow particles and graupel particles.
Key words:
- CloudSat /
- WRF /
- cloud microphysical process /
- typhoon Cho-Wan /
- cloud ice /
- radar reflectivity
表 1 QuickBeam参数设置
参数 type phase cP apm bpm rho P1 P2 P3 1 1 0 0 524 3.0 -1 0.1×106 -1 2 2 1 0 0 524 3.0 -1 -1 1 000 2 3 1 1 0 52 2.6 -1 -1 1 000 2 4 1 1 0 209 2.6 -1 -1 1 000 2 5 1 1 0 261 2.7 -1 -1 1 000 2 表 2 云微物理参数化方案特征
参数化方案名称 主要特征 Lin 单参数方案,计算水汽、云水、雨、冰晶、雪和霰,属于比较复杂的云微物理参数化方案,适用于高分辨率的实际数据数值模拟 WSM6 单参数方案,在WSM5的基础上增加了霰粒子及相关物理过程,其中与霰相关的一些物理过程与Lin方案一致 Thompson 双参数方案,微观物理过程的参数化计算了雪和霰的总和,计算的流动区域中的冰晶的数量偏低 WDM6 双参数方案,与WSM6方案具有相同的冰相部分,仅在水成物的谱型、暖云物理过程参数化部分有所差别 -
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