摘要: 利用常规、非常规观测及NCEP再分析资料,对比分析广西壮族自治区桂林市中γ系统造成的极端大风和中β 系统造成的致灾冰雹过程。(1)高低空急流耦合为强对流天气提供有利背景条件,锋面及辐合线为触发系统。大风过程锋面、冰雹过程高空槽动力作用更强。(2) 均具有强的上干冷下暖湿不稳定层结、强下沉动能、CAPE及中低层垂直风切变,大风过程中层干层更显著,冰雹过程CAPE更大。(3) 冷池出流与环境风垂直切变维持平衡使上升速度区呈垂直状态,利于飑线发展。变压风与冷池共同影响使风暴发展并向变压低中心移动,大风过程冷池前沿与变压低中心在广西临桂迭加,表明强风暴造成的下击暴流与低层中气旋迭加导致极端大风。(4) 大风、冰雹均由镶嵌在飑线系统中的超级单体风暴造成,超级单体强回波中心达65 dBZ,具有弱回波区、三体散射。大风过程强风暴借助冷锋热力边界的斜压性形成低层中气旋,低层钩状回波更明显,并有明显的MARC及强回波核心下降特征;冰雹过程强回波质心高,VIL达55~65 kg/m2,并有跃升现象。(5) 均有中等强度中气旋。大风过程中气旋比冰雹过程低,半径明显减小。大风过程中气旋与龙卷涡旋特征同时出现,对极端大风有预警作用。Abstract: By using conventional and unconventional observational data and NCEP reanalysis data, the present study analyzed an extreme gale caused by an MγCS and a severe hailstorm caused by an MβCS in Lingui, Guilin, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region. The results showed that: (1) The coupling of high and low altitude jets provided favorable conditions for strong convective weather, and the front and convergence lines were the trigger system. The cold front and trough at 500 hPa played a dynamic lifting role during the gale and hail, respectively. (2) There was unstable stratification of dry and cold air at the upper level while warm and moist air at the lower level. Dry layer at the middle level was more obvious during the gale and the value of CAPE was bigger during the hail. (3) The balance between cold pool outflow and vertical shear of environmental wind rendered the rising velocity in a vertical state, which was conducive to the development of the squall line. Because of the influence of the variable-pressure wind and cold pool, the storm developed and moved towards the depressurization center. Superposition of cold pool front and depressurization center in Lingui showed that the overlapping of downburst caused by storm and mesocyclone at the low level led to extreme gales. (4) Disastrous weather was caused by supercell storms embedded in the squall line. The echo center of the supercell reached 65 dBZ, with a weak echo region and three-body scattering spike. With the trigger of baroclinicity of thermal boundary of cold front, low-level mesocyclones developed in the strong storms during the gale. Hook echo at the low level and the MARC were more obvious, with echo center falling to grounded quickly during the gale. Center of mass of strong echo was at the high level and VIL rapidly reached 55~65 kg / m2 during the hail. (5) Mesocyclones appeared in the two processes. It was lower during the gale than during the hail, and its radius decreased significantly. The presence of both mesocyclone and tornado vortex is an early warning of extreme gale.
Key words:
- extreme gale /
- hailstorm /
- characteristics /
- cold pool /
- mesocyclone
表 1 桂林站两次过程相关对流参数
/℃SWEAT θse850~500
/(m/s)0 ℃层高度干球/湿球
/m03-21-20 769 69 1 218 -3.0 426 20 25 2/30 10/30 4 242/3 700 04-24-20 1 797 56 1 222 -7.1 568 28 29 2/17 10/26 4 663/3 900 -
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