摘要: 利用2016-2019年广东省国控站实况监测数据对华南区域大气成分数值模式系统(GRACEs)预报性能进行了综合评估。除空气质量指数AQI外,重点对PM2.5、O3及NO2进行了分析评估。(1) 模式预报性能存在年际差异,对各要素的预报值总体偏低。(2) 模式预报能较好地反映空气质量的空间分布,PM2.5中心在珠三角西北部,而O3-8 h高值区在珠三角核心区和粤东沿海,但模式对O3-8 h高值区存在显著预报低估现象。(3)模式可较好地模拟出PM2.5月变化的单峰型特征和O3-8 h月变化双峰型特征,但模式对AQI的秋冬季主峰值和春季次峰值的预报存在低估,分别与模式对O3-8 h、PM2.5的低估有关。(4) 模式能较好体现O3的午后峰值和NO2双峰值的日变化规律;模式对O3前体物NO2的预报偏差,有可能是导致随后几小时对O3浓度预报偏差的重要原因。(5) 日平均浓度预报效果检验显示模式可较好预测AQI和3种污染物的变化趋势,但对夏秋季高O3-8 h浓度预报显著偏低;模式对轻度污染及以上等级预报能力偏低,亟需提升模式对污染天气的预报能力。Abstract: Based on the observed data from national environment stations in Guangdong Province during 2016-2019, comprehensive evaluation is conducted on the forecasting performance of the Guangzhou Regional Atmospheric Composition and Environment Forecasting System (GRACEs). Apart from Air Quality Index (AQI), PM2.5, O3 and NO2 forecasting is also evaluated. The results are as follows: (1) There were inter-annual differences in the forecasting performance of GRACEs and the forecasted value of each parameter was universally low. (2) The model was skillful in forecasting the spatial distribution of air quality. The high concentration center of PM2.5 was in the northwest of the Pearl River Delta. The region of high O3-8 h was located in the core area of the Pearl River Delta and the eastern coast of Guangdong, though there was a significant underestimation in the high concentration region of O3-8 h. (3) In terms of monthly variation, GRACEs exhibited acceptable performance for the single-peak variation of PM2.5 and the bimodal variation of O3-8 h, but the main peak of AQI in autumn and the second peak in spring were underestimated, which were related to the underestimation of O3-8 h and PM2.5, respectively. (4) In terms of diurnal variation, GRACEs showed good capability in capturing the peak of O3 in the afternoon and the double peak of NO2. The forecast deviation of NO2, a precursor of O3, probably led to the forecast deviation of O3 concentration in the following hours. (5) The trend of the daily average concentration of AQI and 3 pollutants predicted by GRACEs was in accordance with that observed, but O3-8 h was significantly underestimated in summer and autumn. The capacity of GRACEs to forecast light pollution and above was low, so it is urgent to develop the model.
Key words:
- air quality /
- atmospheric composition and environment forecasting system /
- GRACEs /
- PM2.5 /
- O3 /
- forecast verification
表 1 2016-2019年模式和观测数据相同时段的小时值样本数
年份 2016 2017 2018 2019 24 h 7 642 7 706 7 757 6 828 48 h 7 488 7 715 7 768 6 823 72 h 7 158 7 722 7 797 6 803 表 2 2016-2019年模式和观测数据相同时段的日值样本数
年份 2016 2017 2018 2019 24 h 333 328 337 298 48 h 325 328 335 298 72 h 310 328 338 297 表 3 2016-2019年模式和观测数据相同时段的月值样本数
年份 2016 2017 2018 2019 24 h 12 12 12 12 48 h 12 12 12 12 72 h 12 12 12 12 表 3 2016-2019年广东省GRACEs模式预报结果检验
要素 24 h预报 48 h预报 72 h预报 RMSE MB NMB RMSE MB NMB RMSE MB NMB AQI 19.0 -8.4 -8.7% 20.1 -7.1 -6.3% 21.5 -6.7 -5.0% PM2.5 13.2 -5.1 -13.4% 14.3 -5.5 -14.9% 15.8 -6.7 -17.4% O3-8 h 29.6 -13.6 -7.1% 30.6 -9.3 -0.4% 32.6 -5.7 5.4% NO2 9.9 -1.7 1.2% 11.0 -2.6 -1.7% 12.0 -3.5 -4.8% 表 4 2016-2019年广东省GRACEs模式的首要污染物预报准确率
预报时效 24 h 48 h 72 h TR 56.3% 56.3% 56.3% -
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