摘要: 三维全闪探测已经成为了深入认识闪电物理机制和雷暴电活动规律的重要手段。中国气象局雷电野外科学试验基地(CMA_FEBLS)自主研发了低频电场探测阵列(LFEDA), 并持续开展了针对广东地区雷暴全闪电活动的综合观测试验, 在精细化三维定位算法和基于三维全闪数据的闪电放电过程研究方面取得了若干研究结果。(1) LFEDA具备雷暴电活动的无死时间捕获能力、优于百米的定位精度和一定的通道定位能力。(2)发展了基于简单脉冲特征的三维全闪定位算法, 并进一步将经验模态分解及衍生方法引入到闪电信号处理中, 提高了定位的精细化水平; 发展了融合到达时差和时间反转技术的定位方法, 提升了抗干扰能力、降低了对站网的要求。(3)实现了典型放电事件的电流波形反演, 获得了窄偶极性放电事件(NBE)、初始击穿脉冲(IBP)和爆发式脉冲簇(RBPs)的放电特征; 研究发现绝大多数闪电始发于IBP, 而作为始发的NBE则具有更大的孤立性、更大的相对幅度和更快的发展速度。(4)发现随着起始放电高度增加, 初始阶段持续时间和步长增加, 发展速度和脉冲丰度下降; 始发于强对流区时始发阶段通常有更大的速度和脉冲丰度。Abstract: The detection of three-dimensional(3D) total lightning flash based on low-frequency signal has become an important means for researchers to deeply understand the physical mechanism of lightning and the law of thunderstorm activity. The low-frequency electric field detection array(LFEDA) has been developed independently in the Field Experiment Base on Lightning Sciences, China Meteorological Administration(CMA_FEBLS), and comprehensive observation experiments for the lightning activity of thunderstorms in Guangdong Province have been carried out continuously. Some progresses have been obtained in the research of refined 3D positioning algorithm and lightning discharge based on 3D total lightning flash data.(1) LFEDA can continuously capture thunderstorm discharge signal without dead time, with positioning accuracy less than 100 m and good channel positioning ability.(2) A 3D total lightning flash positioning algorithm based on simple pulse characteristics has been developed, and the empirical mode decomposition and its derivative method have been introduced to lightning signal processing to improve positioning. A new positioning method that integrates time difference of arrival and time reversal technology has been proposed, which improves the anti-interference ability and reduces the requirements on the station network.(3) The current waveforms of typical discharge events are inversed, and the discharge characteristics of narrow dipolar discharge events(NBE), initial breakdown pulses(IBP) and burst pulse clusters are obtained. It is found that most of the lightning flashes originate from IBP, and NBE, as the initiator, has greater isolation, larger relative amplitude, and faster development speed.(4)With the increase of the initial discharge height, the duration and step length of the initial stage increase, while the development speed and pulse abundance decrease; when the lightning initiates in a strong convective region, there is usually a greater speed and pulse abundance in the initial stage.
Key words:
- three-dimension /
- low frequency /
- total lightning flash /
- detection technology /
- progress
图 1 低频电场探测阵列站网布局图(A)、一次云-地闪的三维定位结果图(B)[18]
点的颜色代表时间。a. 放电高度随时间的分布;b. 放电高度在东西方向的分布;c. 随高度放电事件的个数分布;d. 放电事件的东西-南北平面分布;e. 放电高度在南北方向上的分布。
图 6 基于反演电流得到的电场和实测电场的对比
a. CHJ站的对比结果;b. ZCJ站的对比结果[26]。
图 7 闪电始发过程的定位结果和对应的电场波形
▲表示始发放电事件。a. 正极性NBE始发过程;b. 负极性NBE始发过程;c. 正极性IBP始发过程;d. 负极性IBP始发过程[31]。
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