摘要: 为进一步研究多回击地闪参数分布特征, 以便为雷电防护工程设计和雷电物理研究提供参考, 根据湖北省雷电定位系统(LLS)2007年1月—2018年12月监测资料, 采用计算机编程处理和数理统计方法, 对多回击地闪次数、多重回击次数和不同类型多回击地闪雷电流幅值等参数进行了统计分析。结果表明: 多回击正地闪、负地闪和总地闪次数占其地闪总数的百分比分别为2.06%、34.76%和32.64%, 多重回击次数分别占其回击总数的0.01%、0.42%和0.40%, 多回击负地闪回击次数占多回击总地闪回击总数的99.69%。首次回击强度大于后续回击强度的多回击正地闪和负地闪分别占多回击地闪总数的82.52%和57.87%;在多回击地闪后续回击中, 正地闪约有9%的后续回击强度大于首次回击强度, 负地闪约有20%的后续回击强度大于首次回击强度。多回击正地闪和负地闪中值电流分别为59.30 kA和35.10 kA, 首次回击分别为90.90 kA和40.00 kA, 后续回击中分别为43.90 kA和33.00 kA。首次回击中, 多回击正地闪和负地闪雷电流幅值大于100 kA的累积概率分别为44.06%和4.64%, 首次回击强度大于后续回击强度的多回击正地闪和负地闪雷电流幅值大于100 kA的累积概率最大分别为52.21%和7.94%;后续回击中, 多回击正地闪和负地闪雷电流幅值小于等于40 kA的累积概率分别为41.80%和69.92%, 首次回击强度大于后续回击强度的多回击负地闪, 雷电流幅值小于等于40 kA的累积概率最大为77.71%。多回击正地闪和负地闪后续回击与首次回击中值电流的比值分别为0.48和0.83。拟合得出的不同类型的多回击正地闪和负地闪雷电流幅值累积概率公式, 拟合效果显著; 拟合公式中a值附近的雷电流幅值累积概率与b值呈显著正相关关系。Abstract: To further investigate the distribution characteristics of multiple strokes of cloud-to-ground(CG)lightning, and to provide reference for the design of lightning protection engineering and lightning physics research, the present study analyzes the parameters such as multiple strokes lightning frequency, multiple return-strokes lightning frequency and lightning current magnitude for different types of multiple strokes lightning using computer programing and mathematical statistics method. These data were collected by the Lightning Location System(LLS) of Hubei Meteorological Service from January 2007 to December 2018.The results show that the percentage for multiple strokes of positive, negative and total CG lightning was 2.06%, 34.76% and 32.64% respectively, and the number of multiple return-strokes was 0.01%, 0.42% and0.40% of the total number of return strokes respectively. The number of negative multiple strokes accounted for 99.69% of the multiple strokes of total CG lightning. The percentage of multiple strokes of positive and negative CG lightning in which the first return stroke intensity was greater than the subsequent was 82.52% and 57.87% of the total number of return strokes respectively. In the subsequent return stroke of multiple strokes, the percentage of the subsequent return stroke intensity of positive and negative CG lightning being greater than that of the first return stroke was about 9% and 20%, respectively. The median current for multiple strokes of positive and negative CG lightning was 59.30 kA and 35.10 kA, respectively. The first return stroke intensity was 90.90 kA and 40.00 kA, respectively, and the subsequent return stroke intensity was 43.90 kA and 33.00 kA, respectively. In the first return stroke, the cumulative probability for multiple strokes of positive and negative CG lightning in which current magnitude was greater than 100 kA was 44.06% and 4.64%, respectively. When the first return stroke intensity was greater than the subsequent return stroke intensity, the maximum cumulative probability of the positive and negative CG lightning in which current magnitude was greater than 100 kA was 52.21%and 7.94%, respectively. In the subsequent return stroke, the cumulative probability of multiple strokes of positive and negative CG lightning with current magnitude being less than or equaling to 40 kA was 41.80% and 69.92%, respectively. Besides, when the first return stroke intensity was greater than the subsequent return stroke intensity, the maximum cumulative probability of the negative CG lightning with current magnitude being less than or equaling to 40 kA was 77.71%. In the multiple strokes of positive and negative CG lightning, the ratio of the subsequent return stroke to the first return stroke was 0.48 and0.83, respectively. The fitting results show that the cumulative probability formula of the current magnitude for multiple strokes of the positive and negative CG lightning with different types was significant. There was a significant positive correlation between the cumulative probability of lightning current magnitude near value a and value b in the fitting formula.
表 1 2007—2018年多回击正地闪、负地闪和总地闪次数及其百分比随回击次数变化
回击次数 多回击正地闪次数 多回击负地闪次数 多回击总地闪次数 多回击地闪次数占其地闪总数的百分比/% 多回击地闪次数占其多回击地闪总数的百分比/% 正地闪 负地闪 总地闪 正地闪 负地闪 总地闪 2 2 610 384 619 387 229 2.01 20.55 19.35 97.28 59.12 59.28 3 66 148 196 148 262 0.05 7.92 7.41 2.46 22.78 22.70 4 7 65 006 65 013 0.01 3.47 3.25 0.26 9.99 9.95 5 0 29 949 29 949 0.00 1.60 1.50 0.00 4.60 4.58 6 0 13 172 13 172 0.00 0.70 0.66 0.00 2.02 2.02 7 0 5 737 5 737 0.00 0.31 0.29 0.00 0.88 0.88 8 0 2 402 2 402 0.00 0.13 0.12 0.00 0.37 0.37 9 0 922 922 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.00 0.14 0.14 10 0 350 350 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.05 0.05 11 0 140 140 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02 12 0 42 42 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.01 13 0 11 11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 14 0 4 4 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 15 0 2 2 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 16 0 1 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 合计 2 683 650 553 653 236 2.06 34.76 32.64 100.00 100.00 100.00 表 2 2007—2018年负地闪和总地闪多重回击次数及其百分比随回击次数变化
回击次数 后续回击次数/次 多重回击次数/次 多重回击次数占其地闪回击总次数的百分比/% 多重回击次数占其后续回击次数的百分比/% 负地闪 负地闪 总地闪 负地闪 总地闪 负地闪 总地闪 2 384 619 4 415 4 426 0.15 0.14 1.15 1.14 3 296 392 3 280 3 280 0.11 0.10 1.11 1.11 4 195 018 2 135 2 135 0.07 0.07 1.09 1.09 5 119 796 1 275 1 275 0.04 0.04 1.06 1.06 6 65 860 729 729 0.02 0.02 1.11 1.11 7 34 422 372 372 0.01 0.01 1.08 1.08 8 16 814 193 193 0.01 0.01 1.15 1.15 9 7 376 74 74 0.00 0.00 1.00 1.00 10 3 150 32 32 0.00 0.00 1.02 1.02 11 1 400 13 13 0.00 0.00 0.93 0.93 合计 1 124 847 12 518 12 529 0.42 0.40 1.11(平均) 1.11(平均) 表 3 2007—2018年不同类型的多回击地闪次数、回击次数及其百分比分布
项目 T型多回击地闪 F型多回击地闪 S型多回击地闪 后续回击强度大于首次 地闪总数/次 回击总数/次 次数/次 占其地闪总数百分比/% 次数/次 占其地闪总数百分比/% 次数/次 占其回击总数百分比/% 正地闪 2 683 5 446 2 214 82.52 469 17.48 481 8.83 负地闪 650 553 1 776 089 376 448 57.87 274 105 42.13 353 245 19.89 总地闪 653 236 1 781 535 378 662 57.97 274 574 42.03 353 726 19.86 表 4 2007—2018年不同多回击地闪、回击类型雷电流幅值累积概率(%)
地闪极性 雷电流幅值/kA 全回击 首次回击 后续回击 F型 S型 T型 F型 S型 T型 F型 S型 T型 正地闪 > 100 27.65 12.38 24.95 52.21 5.54 44.06 3.70 18.90 6.41 > 150 10.64 3.54 9.38 21.05 1.28 17.59 0.48 5.69 1.41 > 200 3.26 0.94 2.85 6.55 0.00 5.40 0.04 1.83 0.36 ≤40 25.86 36.63 27.76 5.56 49.89 13.31 45.66 23.98 41.80 负地闪 > 100 3.07 0.57 1.97 7.94 0.11 4.64 0.11 0.82 0.43 > 150 0.63 0.05 0.37 1.66 0.01 0.96 0.01 0.07 0.03 > 200 0.14 0.01 0.08 0.37 < 0.01 0.22 < 0.01 0.01 0.01 ≤40 60.07 66.01 62.68 31.01 76.42 50.15 77.71 60.37 69.92 表 5 2007—2018年不同多回击地闪、回击类型雷电流幅值累积概率拟合公式中的a、b参数值
地闪极性 拟合公式
a、b参数值全回击 首次回击 后续回击 F型 S型 T型 F型 S型 T型 F型 S型 T型 正地闪 a 62.01 50.12 59.24 103.83 40.07 90.56 41.94 60.33 43.97 b 2.52 3.13 2.58 3.31 3.39 2.88 4.15 3.22 3.61 负地闪 a 35.92 34.27 35.08 49.11 31.52 39.94 30.90 36.19 33.04 b 3.86 5.07 4.14 4.02 5.90 3.79 5.85 4.95 5.15 -
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