摘要: 利用湖北省2013—2018年6—8月ADTD闪电探测数据对该地区的闪电活动进行特征分析后发现, 地闪密度和日变化特征与地形密切相关, 其中, 闪电密度高值区出现在海拔500~1 500 m的中尺度山脉向平原的过渡地带以及山脉之间的平原(河谷)地区; 山区的地闪集中在午后至傍晚时段, 具有明显的单峰特征, 平原的地闪日变化相对平缓, 虽然主峰值同样出现在午后, 但夜间地闪活动依然活跃。基于2015—2016年6—8月逐6 min雷达组合反射率拼图产品和地闪资料挑选了94例伴有显著闪电活动的雷暴系统个例, 经统计分析后发现, 雷暴系统的初次地闪、峰值地闪和末次地闪均集中出现在13:00—18:00, 其中, 山区雷暴的地闪持续时间较短, 地闪频数峰值较小; 平原雷暴的地闪持续时间更长, 地闪频数峰值也更大; 山麓雷暴的特征则介于两者之间。利用ERA-Interim再分析资料进行成因分析后可知, 地形强迫和局地热力不稳定是影响湖北山区夏季闪电密度分布和日变化特征的关键因子。Abstract: Based on ADTD lightning detection data from June to August in Hubei Province during 2013—2018, the present study analyzes the characteristics of lightning density and diurnal variation and finds their close relationship with topography. The high value of lightning density appears in the transition zone from mesoscale mountains to plains and the plains(valleys) between mountains at an altitude of 500~1500 m. In the mountainous area, lightning mainly occurs in the period from afternoon to evening, showing obvious unimodal characteristics. By contrast, in the plain, the diurnal variation of the lightning is relatively gentle. Although the main peak value also appears in the afternoon, the lightning activity is still active at night. The present study also analyzes the 6 min data that combine radar composite reflectivity and cloud-to-ground(CG) flash data from June to August during 2015—2016 and selects 94 thunderstorm cases with significant lightning activity. The statistical analysis indicates that the first, peak and final CG flash of the thunderstorm system mainly occur in the afternoon(13:00—18:00). Among them, the mountain thunderstorms have shorter lightning duration and smaller peak of lightning frequency, those of plain thunderstorms are much longer and larger, and the characteristics of thunderstorms in the foothills are somewhere in between. Using the ERA-Interim reanalysis data, the present study finds that topographic forcing and local thermal instability are the key factors affecting the distribution and diurnal variation of summer lightning density in the mountainous areas of Hubei Province.
Key words:
- thunderstorm /
- CG flash /
- topography /
- diurnal variation /
图 1 研究区域(a)及雷暴系统样本分布(b)
图 4 2013—2018年夏季湖北省850 hPa(a)、500 hPa(b)复合环境场
白色虚线为散度(单位:10-6s-1), 色斑为850 hPa假相当位温θse(单位:K),彩色等值线为500 hPa位势高度(单位:dgpm)。图中黑色矩形框与图 1相同,分别表示典型山区和平原。
图 7 山区(左列)和平原(右列)雷暴系统初生时刻地面(a、b), 850 hPa(c、d), 500 hPa(e、f)环境分析场(色斑分别表示为CAPE,单位:J/kg;湿度,单位:%;相对涡度,单位:10-6s-1;白色虚线为散度,单位:10-6s-1;黑色等值线为位势高度,单位:dgpm); 850 hPa假相当位温θse与0~6 km垂直风切变(g、h)(色斑为850 hPa假相当位温θse,白色等值线为0~6 km垂直风切变,单位:m/s。)
黑色矩形框与图 1相同,分别表示典型山区和平原。
表 1 湖北省闪电监测网主要技术特征
定位方法 定位方式 探测参数 强度误差 时间精度 定位精度 闪电类型 时差法和定向时差联合法 二站振幅、二站混合、三站混合和四站算法 时间、经度、纬度、 相对误差 < 15% < 10-7 s < 300 m 地闪 -
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