摘要: 根据2014—2018年粤港澳闪电定位系统(GHMLLS)和广东电网地闪定位系统(GDLLS)两套闪电定位系统的观测资料, 对粤港澳大湾区范围内二者的地闪探测性能进行评估和对比, 结果表明, 在粤港澳大湾区, 对于地闪回击记录, 从各月份记录和空间密度的分布上来看, GDLLS的探测数都多于GHMLLS, 二者的比值为1.24;两套系统总回击、负回击、正回击的月分布和日变化特征基本一致; 两系统地闪回击的匹配记录在大湾区大部分区域内的偏差量都在1.5 km内; 对于匹配后的负、正回击电流峰值, 二者有较强的相关性, 相关系数分别为0.99和0.98, GDLLS的负、正回击电流峰值分别为GHMLLS的1.47倍和1.45倍。Abstract: Based on the observational data from the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Lightning Location System(GHMLLS) and the Guangdong Lightning Location System(GDLLS) during 2014—2018, the present study evaluated and compared the two systems in cloud-to-ground(CG) lightning detection in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area(GBA). The results are as follows. In the GBA, the value reported by GDLLS is more than that reported by GHMLLS in terms of monthly records and spatial density distribution, and the ratio of the two is 1.24. The monthly distribution and diurnal variation characteristics of total return strokes, negative return strokes and positive return strokes are basically the same. The positioning deviation of the two systems in most areas of the GBA is within 1.5 km. Strong correlations are obtained for the peak current of negative and positive return strokes after matching, and the correlation coefficients are 0.99 and 0.98, respectively. The peak current of negative and positive return strokes reported by GDLLS is 1.47 times and 1.45 times those reported by GHMLLS, respectively.
表 1 2014—2018年粤港澳大湾区内GHMLLS和GDLLS探测的记录数对比
年份 GHMLLS总记录数 GHMLLS地闪回击记录数
(占总记录百分比)GDLLS总记录数 GDLLS地闪回击记录数
(占总记录百分比)2014 4 821 996 1 836 449 (38%) 2 517 753 2 192 142 (87%) 2015 3 699 922 1 299 776 (35%) 1 693 271 1 506 941 (89%) 2016 3 118 528 1 136 828 (36%) 1 627 721 1 541 683 (95%) 2017 2 608 867 877 307 (34%) 1 032 556 1 021 310 (99%) 2018 2 759 080 806 318 (29%) 1 213 844 1 116 873 (92%) 平均值 3 401 679 1 191 336 (35%) 1 617 029 1 475 790 (91%) 表 2 2014—2018年粤港澳大湾区内GHMLLS和GDLLS探测的回击数和匹配回击数
年份 GHMLLS回击数
(匹配比例)匹配回击数 2014 1 836 449 (68%) 2 192 142 (57%) 1 257 672 2015 1 299 776 (64%) 1 506 941 (55%) 826 427 2016 1 136 828 (67%) 1 541 683 (50%) 765 316 2017 877 307 (62%) 1 021 310 (54%) 547 090 2018 806 318 (72%) 1 116 873 (52%) 584 064 平均值 1 191 336 (67%) 1 475 790 (54%) 796 114 -
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