摘要: 为提高X波段双偏振相控阵雷达(XPAR-D)数据质量,采用自适应约束订正方法对反射率因子ZH、差分反射率因子ZDR进行质量控制;利用广州S波段双偏振雷达(CINRAD/SAD)和地面二维雨滴谱观测对XPAR-D雷达的数据质量进行分析,结果表明XPAR-D雷达与CINRAD/SAD雷达的回波强度基本一致,由于XPAR-D雷达灵敏度较低,导致对弱回波的探测能力低于CINRAD/SAD雷达。将XPAR-D雷达测量的反射率因子ZH与雨滴谱仪反演的ZH对比,两者相变化趋势基本一致;XPAR-D雷达差分反射率ZDR、差分相移率KDP与ZH的一致性较好,其中KDP约是CINRAD/SAD雷达的3.3倍;XPAR-D雷达偏振参量能有效反映融化层的偏振特征;一次局地性强降水的观测结果表明相控阵雷达能够精细监测降水的触发、演变过程以及不同降水强度的微物理特征。
- X波段双偏振相控阵雷达 /
- 数据质量 /
- 差分反射率ZDR /
- 差分相移率KDP /
Abstract: To improve the data quality of X-band dual-polarization phased array radar (XPAR-D), the constrained adaptive bias correction method is used to correct ZH and ZDR attenuation. Using Guangzhou Sband dual-polarization radar (CINRAD / SAD) data and ground two-dimensional raindrop spectrum observational data, the present study analyzes the data quality of XPAR-D. The results show that the echo intensity of XPAR-D and CINRAD/SAD are basically the same, but due to the low sensitivity of XPAR-D, its ability to detect weak echo is lower than that of CINRAD/SAD. The ZH measured by the XPAR-D is compared with the ZH retrieved by raindrop spectrometer, and it is shown that the phase change trends of the two are basically the same. The ZDR, KDP and ZH of XPAR-D are in good agreement, among which the KDP is about three times that of CINRAD/SAD. XPAR-D polarization parameters can effectively reflect the polarization characteristics of the melting layer. The observation of a local heavy precipitation shows that XPAR-D can closely monitor the triggering and evolution of precipitation and the microphysical characteristics of different precipitation intensity.-
Key words:
- X-band dual-polarization phased array radar /
- raindrop size distribution /
- data quality /
- ZDR /
表 1 X波段相控阵雷达主要性能参数
项目 参数指标 天线形式 一维电子扫描相控阵体制 扫描策略 水平机械扫描,垂直相控阵扫描 天线尺寸 长1.3 m,宽0.7 m 工作频率 9.3~9.5 GHz 天线增益 ≥36 dB 波束宽度 水平3.6°,垂直1.8° 极化方式 水平垂直双极化 极化隔离度 ≥30 dB 脉冲宽度 20 μs(未压缩),0.2 μs(压缩) 峰值功率 256 W 探测距离 ≥42 km 距离分辨率 30 m 脉冲重复频率 ≤4 kHz -
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