摘要: 为进一步认识南海热带气旋(SCSTC)的基本特征规律,利用中国气象局上海台风研究所(CMA-ATI)整编的“热带气旋最佳路径数据集”等资料,对1949—2019年不同移动路径的SCSTC的频数、源地、强度变化等特征进行统计分析。(1) 近70年的SCSTC的频数呈现递减的趋势,其中东北走向的SCSTC频数相对较少,其峰值集中在5月、6月,西/西北走向的SCSTC频数相对较多,约占总数的76%,其峰值集中在8月、9月,且西/西北走向的SCSTC频数变化趋势与西太平洋副热带高压(“副高”)脊线位置的移动趋势相匹配,即当副高脊线逐渐向北(南)移动时,SCSTC频数随月份逐渐增多(减少)。(2) 东北走向的SCSTC平均强度比西/西北走向的SCSTC强,生命史也更长,并且在5种SCSTC强度等级中,东北走向的台风和强台风的强度二次加强的现象相比西/西北走向的更显著。(3) 两种路径走向的SCSTC的源地位置随着季节的变化都有一个先北抬后南撤的过程,与副高脊线的移动规律一致,东北走向SCSTC源地位置整体比西/西北走向的SCSTC更偏北2~3个纬距。Abstract: To further understand the basic characteristics of the tropical cyclones over the South China Sea (SCSTC), this paper uses the best track dataset of tropical cyclones compiled by the Shanghai Typhoon Institute of China Meteorological Administration (CMA-ATI) to analyze the frequency, origin and intensity changes of SCSTC with different moving paths from 1949 to 2019 by wavelet analysis and synthetic analysis. The results show that: (1) The frequency of SCSTC shows a decreasing trend year by year. The overall frequency of SCSTC in the northeast direction is relatively low, and the peak months are mainly in May and June. The overall frequency of SCSTC in the west/northwest direction is relatively high, accounting for about 76 % of the total, and the peak months are mainly in August and September. The change in the frequency of SCSTC in the west/northwest direction is consistent with the movement of the ridgeline of the western Pacific subtropical high. When the ridgeline of the subtropical high gradually moves north (south), the frequency of SCSTC gradually increases (decreases). (2) The average intensity of the SCSTC in the northeast direction is stronger than that in the west/northwest direction, and the life cycle is longer. Secondary strengthening of typhoons and strong typhoons is more significant in northeastward SCSTC. (3) The oirigin points of SCSTC with different paths have undergone northward uplift and then southward withdrawal with the change of seasons, which is consistent with the movement of subtropical high ridgeline. The oirigin point of SCSTC in the northeast direction is 2~3 latitudes norther than that of SCSTC in the west/northwest direction.
Key words:
- moving path /
- frequency /
- intensity /
- origin
表 1 不同路径不同等级的SCSTC频数分布
等级 TD TS STS TY STY 共计 西/西北向 127 72 75 28 4 306 东北向 30 20 29 16 3 98 总SCSTC 157 92 104 44 7 404 表 2 不同强度等级的SCSTC的平均生命史(d)
强度等级 TD TS STS TY STY 平均值 东北向 2.79 4.90 6.66 8.78 10.33 5.61 西/西北向 3.38 4.07 5.04 6.11 8.75 4.27 总SCSTC 3.29 4.25 5.49 7.08 9.40 4.59 -
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