摘要: 云微物理过程是影响台风降水数值模拟的关键过程。利用华东中尺度模式系统,选取Thompson与CLR两种微物理参数化方案对台风“利奇马”进行数值模拟,对比观测、卫星资料,评估两个微物理参数化方案对台风模拟的影响,结果表明:相比于Thompson方案,CLR方案对台风“利奇马”的模拟在登陆后的路径、强度、降水明显更接近观测;Thompson方案在距离台风中心约100 km形成较强的螺旋雨带,而CLR方案在距离台风中心150 km左右的位置形成了较弱的螺旋雨带。进一步的分析表明,CLR方案模拟出的外围雨带距离台风中心的距离更远,是由于CLR方案中冰、霰等冰相态水凝物下落速度更小,更有可能被推送到距离台风中心更远的位置,从而形成不同的雨带分布。Abstract: Cloud microphysical process is a key process that may affect the numerical simulation of typhoon precipitation. In this paper, simulations of Typhoon Lekima are carried out by using the Shanghai Meteorological Service WRF ADAS Real-Time Modeling System with two different microphysical parameterization schemes, i.e., Thompson and CLR. Observational data and satellite data are compared to evaluate the impact of the two schemes on typhoon simulation. The results show that the simulation using the CLR scheme is significantly closer to observations compared with that using the Thompson scheme, especially after landing. The model using Thompson scheme shows strong spiral rainbands distribution about 100km away from the typhoon center, while the model with CLR scheme presents weaker rainbands at the distance of about 150km from the typhoon center. Further analysis indicates that the outer rainbands simulated using the CLR scheme are further away from the typhoon center due to lower falling speed and longer diameter of ice-phase hydrometeors in the CLR scheme; ice-phase hydrometeors are more likely to be pushed to places further away from typhoon center, leading to different rainbands.
Key words:
- microphysics /
- numerical simulation /
- Typhoon Lekima /
- rainband
表 1 微物理方案的水凝物预报变量
方案名称 质量浓度比 数浓度比 Thompson qc、qr、qi、qs、qg nc、nr、ni CLR qc、qr、qi、qs、qg nc、nr、ni、ns、ng -
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