摘要: 利用自动站观测资料、多普勒雷达资料、ERA5 0.25 °×0.25 °再分析资料及WRF数值模拟资料,对2018年5月19—20日发生在重庆武陵山区一次暖区暴雨过程中尺度环境条件及中小尺度对流系统演变、触发和维持机制等进行分析。结果表明:(1)此次过程无明显冷空气强迫,斜压性弱,边界层高温高湿,对流层中下层存在明显条件不稳定层结;(2)石桥强降水中小尺度对流系统演变主要有3个阶段:分散对流组织成东西向带状对流、带状对流断裂后雨团准静止维持、东北-西南向带状对流快速重建;(3)沿武陵山脉分布的边界层辐合线触发雷暴发生,强回波单体沿辐合线移动和加强,形成“列车效应”;(4)石桥东部山顶雷暴冷池出流下山,与环境暖湿气流和地形作用共同维持石桥强降水;(5)山区地形对降水有重要影响,近地面偏东风与石桥西部山体相互作用形成局地气旋性小涡旋触发降水,而受到石桥东部山体阻挡作用,地形性涡旋移速变慢,利于强降水维持。Abstract: Using automatic station observation data, Doppler radar data, ERA-5 0.25°×0.25° reanalysis data and WRF numerical simulation data, we analyzed the mesoscale environmental conditions, the mesoscale convective systems triggering and maintenance mechanisms of one warm-sector heavy rainfall process in the Wuling Mountains of Chongqing on May 19-20, 2018. The results were as follows: (1) There was no obvious cold air forcing in this process, the baroclinicity is weak, but the boundary layer had high temperature and humidity, and the atmosphere stratification was extremely unstable. (2) The evolution of the mid- and small-scale convective systems of the heavy precipitation in Shiqiao mainly had three stages: the convections scattered into east-west zonal flow, the rainfall near Shiqiao remained quasi-stationary after the break of the zonal flow, and the northeast-southwest zonal flow reconstructed rapidly. (3) The convergence line which distributed along the Wuling Mountains, triggered the thunderstorm. The strong echo of convective cell moved and strengthened along the convergence line, contributing to the formation of the "train effect". (4) The strong thunderstorm cold pool on the eastern mountain top of Shiqiao flowed down the mountain, working together with the warm and humid air currents and topography to maintain the strong precipitation in Shiqiao. (5) Topography played an important role in this heavy precipitation process. The easterly wind near the ground interacted with the mountains in the west of Shiqiao to form a small local cyclonic vortex, which made significant contribution to triggering precipitation. Moreover, due to the blocking effect of the mountains in the east of Shiqiao, the speed of the topographic vortex slowed down, which was conducive to the maintenance of precipitation.
图 2 2018年5月19日21—20日08时累计雨量(a,单位:mm)、图 2a方框内50 mm以上不同阈值强降水分布及地形高度(单位:m)叠加图(b)和石桥站逐小时雨量(c,单位:mm)
图 10 2018年5月20日00时沿图 9b实线空间剖面分析场雷达反射率(彩色阴影,单位:dBZ)和风场(单位: m/s)
图 11 2018年5月20日00时沿图 9b实线空间剖面分析场假相当位温(彩色阴影,单位:K)和垂直速度(单位: m/s)
表 1 沙坪坝5月18日20时和19日20时强对流参数
站名 时间/(日.时) 对流有效位能/(J/kg) 850 hPa比湿g/kg SI指数/℃ CIN/(J/kg) 850 hPa假相当位温/K 自由对流高度/hPa 大气可降水量/mm 沙坪坝(57516) 18.20 306.2 12 1.98 176.5 343 569.5 35 19.20 1 890.7 16 -3.12 14.5 356 861.7 47 -
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