摘要: 针对2020年8月11—12日四川盆地西部特大暴雨过程中尺度系统演变特征和维持机制,利用欧洲中心ERA5逐小时再分析资料以及FY-4A的云顶相当黑体温度TBB资料进行诊断分析。(1) 本次过程发生在500 hPa巴湖长波槽分裂短波和高原低槽东移发展在四川盆地停滞,副高加强西伸形成阻挡的形势下,同时200 hPa有南亚高压和高空分流区配合。(2) 在上述有利的背景条件下,中尺度系统活动经历了中尺度辐合扰动-西南涡生成发展-低空急流影响-西南涡再次发展增强等4个阶段,西南涡两个阶段的发展对降水影响最大,初生发展阶段雨强最强,再次发展阶段强降雨范围最大。(3) 西南涡在暖区内初生发展,对流不稳定性强,地面潜热和感热加热以及500 hPa层以下水汽凝结潜热加热均十分显著,在较强暖湿平流作用下,配合低层涡度拉伸项和扭转项的动力作用加强,西南涡迅速发展,但低层辐合相对较弱,正涡度柱高度仅发展至500 hPa。(4) 西南涡再次发展阶段冷平流入侵,大气斜压性增强,中高层感热和凝结潜热加热作用加大,“低层辐合-中高层辐散”的动力机制显著加强,配合垂直向上输送正涡度和涡度拉伸项的动力发展作用,西南涡发展旺盛,正涡度柱中心强度和发展高度较初始发展阶段均明显增强。Abstract: To study the evolution characteristics and maintenance mechanism of the mesoscale system during the extremely heavy rainstorm occurred during August 10—12, 2020 in the western Sichuan Basin, the present study used the ERA5 hourly re-analysis data from the European Center and the FY-4A-TBB data for analysis, and the conclusions are as follows: (1) This process occurred when short wave was split from the 500 hPa Balkhash Lake long wave trough, the plateau low trough moved eastward and stalled over the Sichuan Basin and the subtropical high strengthened westward and became an obstruction. Simultaneously, there was the South Asian high pressure and the high-altitude diversion area at the 200 hPa layer. (2) Due to the aforementioned favorable conditions, the mesoscale system experienced four key stages: mesoscale convergence disturbance, Southwest vortex generation and development, low-level jet influence, and Southwest vortex redevelopment and enhancement. The two development stages of the Southwest vortex had the greatest impact on precipitation. The rainfall intensity was the strongest during the initial development stage, and the range of heavy rainfall became the largest during the redevelopment stage. (3) The Southwest vortex developed within the warm region with strong convective instability. On the ground, the latent heat and sensible heat heating as well as the latent heat heating of water vapor condensation below the 500 hPa layer was very significant. Under the influence of relatively strong warm and wet advection, the Southwest vortex developed rapidly with the strengthening of the dynamic action of the low-level vorticity stretching term and torsional term. In contrast, the low-level convergence was relatively weak. The height of positive vorticity column only developed to the 500 hPa layer. (4) At the re-development stage of the Southwest vortex, there was cold advection invasion and atmospheric barotropism enhancement, and heating effect of sensible heat and latent heat of condensation in middle and high level all increased. In addition, the dynamic mechanism of "convergence at the lower level and divergence at the middle and high levels" was significantly strengthened. With the dynamic development effect of positive vorticity and vorticity stretch term in the vertical upward transport, the Southwest vortex developed vigorously. The strength at the center and the development height of positive vorticity column obviously strengthened compared with that at the initial development stage.
Key words:
- Southwest vortex /
- mesoscale system /
- positive vorticity /
- heat source /
- vorticity advection
图 7 同图 5,但为假相当位温(黑色实线,单位:K)和比湿(红色虚线,单位:g/kg)经向-高度剖面
表 1 中尺度系统演变过程及对应降水情况
时段 10日20—23时 11日00—05时 11日06—10时 11日11—18时 11日19时—12日03时 12日04—20时 中尺度系统 850 hPa中尺度辐合流场,700 hPa偏南气流对流单体合并加强 850 hPa低涡生成原地快速发展,700 hPa气旋性环流加强发展为圆形低涡云团 850 hPa低涡稳定,低空东南风急流建立对流云团北抬 850 hPa低涡环流减弱,低空东南风急流北抬对流云团随急流北抬,与高空槽云系合并 850 hPa低涡发展增强,700 hPa由气旋性环流发展为低涡低涡云团发展增强 850 hPa、700 hPa低涡均逐渐减弱填塞随低涡缓慢减弱 MCS活动特征 56 252 411 549 864 698 小时雨量≥20 mm累计站次及占比 2.1% 9.3% 15.1% 20.2% 31.9% 25.7% 小时雨量≥50 mm累计站次 23 79 91 114 104 18 小时雨量≥100mm累计站次 3 9 5 8 0 0 表 2 总涡度收支及各项区域平均值
单位:10-9 s-2。 时间 层次/hPa 平流项 垂直输送项 扭转项 拉伸项 总涡度收支 11日00:00 850 -0.1 1.8 -2.4 1.8 1.1 700 -0.2 -1.5 0.4 1.5 0.2 500 -0.2 0.8 -0.2 -0.2 0.2 300 0 0 -1.0 0.5 -0.5 11日03:00 850 0.2 0.4 -1.8 1.9 0.7 700 -0.2 0 0.4 1.8 2.0 500 -0.1 -0.2 0.7 -1.0 -0.6 300 0.2 -0.2 0.3 0.2 0.5 11日22:00 850 -1.2 -1.0 -1.0 4.2 1.0 700 -3.8 4.0 -2.0 0 -1.8 500 0.8 0.5 0.8 -1.8 0.3 300 -2.4 0 0.5 2.0 0.1 12日03:00 850 -1.8 -0.5 0.5 3.8 2.0 700 -4.0 0.2 -0.5 6.0 1.7 500 1.0 6.0 -4.0 0.5 3.5 300 0.3 3.8 -2.1 -1.0 1.0 -
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