摘要: 利用广东省深圳市30个自动气象站观测数据对深圳市近10年的气候变化趋势进行了分析,结果表明:(1)深圳市2011—2020年的平均气温增长率约1.47 ℃/(10 a),比上一个10年显著增加,气候变暖并未停滞;(2)受城市化的影响,深圳市气温日较差在较大范围内呈减小趋势,但在少数地区却反常地呈现了上升趋势;(3)深圳的地面风速总体呈下降趋势,其中发达地区风速下降更快;(4)2011—2020年深圳市的平均相对湿度呈上升趋势,最高每年增长1.33%;(5)统计深圳各区不同时次的极端降雨量数据可以发现,未发展地区的极端降雨量增速较大,年总降水量的增长率也较高,增长率最高为42.41 mm/a,而其他地区的6 h以内的滑动降水量极大值均呈下降趋势;(6)利用多个自动气象站长时间序列数据,可以对深圳局地气候变化特征进行更加精细化的分析,这对国家基本站而言是一种有益的补充,有助于更加深刻地发掘城市化与气候变化的关系。Abstract: Based on the observation data of 30 automatic weather stations in Shenzhen, climate change trends in Shenzhen in the past 10 years are analyzed. The results are shown as follows. (1) The average air temperature grows by a rate of about 1.47 ℃/(10 a) in Shenzhen from 2011 to 2020, significantly higher than that in the previous decade, suggesting that climate warming has not eased yet. (2) Due to the effect of urbanization, daily temperature ranges show a decreasing trend over much of Shenzhen, while an abnormal upward trend is witnessed for a few limited areas. (3) Surface wind speeds in Shenzhen generally show a decreasing trend, which is even faster in developed areas. (4) Average relative humidity in Shenzhen shows an increasing trend from 2011 to 2020, with the maximum annual increase at 1.33%. (5) According to the statistics of extreme rainfall data at different spans of time in the districts of Shenzhen, the growth rates of extreme rainfall and annual total precipitation are large in undeveloped areas, with the highest growth rate at 42.41 mm/a, while the maximum value of moving precipitation with duration less than 6 hours shows a decreasing trend in other areas. (6) By using long-time series data of multiple automatic weather stations, a more detailed analysis can be done of the local climate change characteristics for Shenzhen, which is a useful supplement to analyses based on national basic stations data and helpful for deeper exploration of the relationship between urbanization and climate change.
Key words:
- Shenzhen /
- urban climate /
- climate change /
- automatic weather station /
- urbanization
表 1 深圳各区观测站
区 宝安 大鹏 福田 光明 龙岗 龙华 罗湖 南山 坪山 盐田 宝安 土洋 竹子林 光明 龙城 大浪 清水河 南山 坪山 三洲田 站点 万丰 桔钓沙 梅林水库 公明 南湾 观湖 桂园 西丽 坑梓 背仔角 福永 龙岐 红树林 塘家 平湖 民治 罗芳 左炮台 沙湖 沙头角 -
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