摘要: 使用台风最佳路径、黑龙江省83个国家基本气象站日降水量资料及NCEP NC再分析资料,对近60年黑龙江省台风活动规律、台风暴雨时空分布和环流形势及各物理量统计特征等进行分析。结果表明:2010年以后造成暴雨的台风个数增加,2015年之后台风暴雨强度持续增加,2020年达到最强。黑龙江省台风暴雨站次最多的时间是7月下旬至9月上旬。黑龙江省受台风影响出现暴雨的次数自东南向西北递减,暴雨次数多的站点一般与地形有关。将台风暴雨过程的高空环流形势分为3型8类,A型暴雨过程以台风环流降水为主,多数为稳定性降水,降水持续时间较长,B型和C型暴雨过程有较强冷空气参与,对流活跃,通常雨强较大。给黑龙江省带来大范围暴雨的环流形势有5类。以A-Ⅱ和C-Ⅰ两种环流形势出现的台风个数最多,A-Ⅱ和B-Ⅱ造成的暴雨范围最广。黑龙江省台风暴雨过程低空均有低涡活动;水汽主要来自日本海和黄渤海;低层辐合中心与暴雨区有较好的对应关系。A-Ⅱ类台风暴雨的各个物理量特征最突出(假相当位温和比湿略小于B-Ⅱ类);B-Ⅱ类台风暴雨过程的暖湿空气最强,尽管动力条件稍差,但较好的热力和水汽条件也足以造成大范围的暴雨天气,成为平均单个过程出现暴雨以上站次最多的类型。Abstract: Based on the optimal typhoon path, daily precipitation data of 83 national stations in Heilongjiang province and NCEP NC reanalysis data, the typhoon activity law, the temporal and spatial distribution of typhoon rainstorms, the circulation situation and the statistical characteristics of various physical parameters in Heilongjiang province in recent 60 years were analyzed. The results showed that the number of typhoons causing rainstorms had increased since 2010. After 2015, the intensity of typhoon rainstorms continued to increase and reached its peak in 2020. The heaviest typhoon rainstorms in Heilongjiang province were from late July to early September. The number of rainstorms under the influence of typhoons in Heilongjiang province decreased from southeast to northwest, and the sites with more rainstorms were generally related to topography. The upper air circulation patterns of typhoons and rainstorms were divided into 3 types and 8 categories. Type A rainstorm process was dominated by typhoon circulation precipitation, most of which were stable rainfall, with long duration of precipitation as the main characteristics. Type B and type C rainstorm processes had strong cold air participation, convection was active, usually the rain intensity was relatively high. Five types of circulation patterns bring rainstorms to Heilongjiang province. The number of typhoons with rainstorms was the largest under the two circulation patterns of A-Ⅱ and C-Ⅰ. A-Ⅱ and B-Ⅱ caused the most extensive rainstorm area. In the process of typhoon rainstorms in Heilongjiang province, there were vortex activities at low altitudes. The water vapor mainly came from the Sea of Japan and the Yellow Sea and the Bohai Sea. There was good correspondence between the low-level convergence center and the rainstorm area. The characteristics of various physical quantities of A - Ⅱ typhoons were the most prominent (θse and specific humidity was slightly less than B-Ⅱ). B-Ⅱ had the strongest warm and wet air, although the dynamic conditions were slightly worse, the better thermal and moisture conditions were also enough to cause a large range of rainstorm weather, becoming the type with the largest number of rainstorm stations in an average single process on average.
Key words:
- typhoon rainstorm /
- classification study /
- Extra-tropical transition /
- frontogenesis /
- terrain growth
表 1 不同环流类型台风暴雨的基本特征
环流分型 台风个数/个 每个台风平均暴雨以上站次/站 暴雨日≥1d\2d\3d的台风个数/个 最早出现时间(月日(年)) 最晚出现时间(月日(年)) A-Ⅰ 1 3.0 1 \ 0 \ 0 0830(1974) 0830(1974) A-Ⅱ 16 13.2 10\ 5 \ 1 0730(1964) 0908(2020) A-Ⅲ 6 4.3 3 \ 3 \ 0 0716(1987) 0918(2012) B-Ⅰ 5 6.0 2 \ 2 \ 1 0621(1963) 0831(2016) B-Ⅱ 5 13.6 3 \ 2 \ 0 0712(2015) 0820(2018) B-Ⅲ 3 3.7 3 \ 0 \ 0 0704(2018) 0821(1970) C-Ⅰ 10 7.9 7 \ 2 \ 1 0711(2006) 0916(2000) C-Ⅱ 2 2.0 2 \ 0 \ 0 0725(1995) 0727(1999) 表 2 暴雨站次排名前18位的台风暴雨过程概况
排序 台风编号及强度 暴雨过程时间 暴雨以上站次/站 最大日降水量/mm 环流分型 1 2009 Super TY 20200903—04 42 108.4 A-Ⅱ 2 1810 STS 20180724—25 25 130.8 B-Ⅱ 3 8213 Super TY 19820827—28 24 82 A-Ⅱ 4 1908 STY 20190806—10 22 170.4 C-Ⅰ 5 2008 STY 20200827—29 22 84.1 A-Ⅱ 6 1710 TS 20170803 21 150.9 B-Ⅱ 7 2010 Super TY 20200907—08 21 147.8 A-Ⅱ 8 1913 Super TY 20190907 19 96.4 A-Ⅱ 9 1910 STS 20190815—16 17 123.2 C-Ⅰ 10 9406 Super TY 19940713 16 134.6 B-Ⅱ 11 8508 STS 19850814 16 99 A-Ⅱ 12 6515 Super TY 19650806—07 16 98.4 B-Ⅰ 13 1215 Super TY 20120828—29 15 108.5 A-Ⅱ 14 9415 TY 19940816 13 85.9 A-Ⅱ 15 8407 STS 19840810 12 96.3 A-Ⅱ 16 1216 Super TY 20120917—18 12 74.5 A-Ⅲ 17 1819 STY 20180824 11 93.8 C-Ⅰ 18 9109 TY 19910730 10 113 C-Ⅰ -
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