摘要: 在2020年8月3—5日台风“黑格比”登陆期间,浙江地区出现了强降水。利用中国自动站与CMORPH融合降水产品及ERA5再分析资料进行分析,表明浙江地区强降水分两个阶段。为探究两个阶段降水成因,采用扰动天气图方法、拉格朗日轨迹追踪模式HYSPLIT与FLEXPART(the Flexible Particle Model)重点分析浙江地区强降水期间水汽输送特征,结果表明伴随强盛西南夏季风环流的水汽通道起着重要作用。最后,利用中尺度模式WRF_ARW进行了水汽条件的敏感性试验,进一步验证了西南季风水汽输送的重要性。在台风登陆降水预报过程中,需要关注西南夏季风背景下不同水汽输送影响。Abstract: Based on ERA5 reanalysis data and CMORPH data, the evolution of water vapor in Zhejiang Province during the landfall of Typhoon (TY) Hagupit during August 3—5, 2020 is investigated by using the perturbation weather map method. It is found that there are two stages of strong precipitation during this event. The first stage can be ascribed to the main circulation of TY just during the landfall period. As it moved northward, the second stage is likely to be ascribed to the interaction between strong summer monsoon flow and the outer circulation of TY. The backward trajectory models (HYSPLIT and FLEXPART Model) show that the water vapor transport accompanied by the strong summer monsoon flow plays an important role. The importance of water vapor transport accompanied by the strong summer monsoon flow is further verified by using two sensitive experiments based on the WRF-ARW model. This study shows that it is necessary to pay more attention to the influence of different water vapor transport associated with summer monsoon flows.
Key words:
- typhoon /
- TC landfall precipitation /
- water vapor transport
表 1 WRF模式参数化方案设置
参数化过程 方案设置 微物理方案 Lin 长波辐射方案 RRTM 短波辐射方案 Dudhia 边界层方案 YSU 积云对流方案 Kain-Fritsch 表 2 WRF模式试验设置
试验名称 试验方法 试验目的 CTL 控制试验 对照试验 RH55 25 °N南侧的RH减少为原RH的55% 抑制西南季风水汽输送 noSMflx TC登陆后关闭模式d03域的地表潜热通量 关闭台风主体地表水汽反馈 -
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