Research on Quantitative Precipitation Estimation by Polarized Radar Using CNN
摘要: 利用偏振升级改造后的广州新一代天气雷达(CINRAD/SAD)水平反射率ZH、差分传播相移率KDP、差分反射率因子ZDR和广东佛山219个地面气象自动站雨量数据,形成不同偏振量组合的8个数据集。基于卷积神经网络(CNN),建立雷达定量降水估测网络架构QPEnet,并将该架构用于雷达定量降水估测(QPE),评估结果表明:数据集通道数N的增加可降低QPEnet的定量降雨估测的均方根误差(RMSE),并提高相关系数(CORR);对于由ZH形成的数据集Z、Z_1~3 km和Z_6 min,随着通道数N的增加,数据集Z、Z_1~3 km和Z_6 min的性能逐步得到提高,数据集Z_1~3 km和Z_6 min的均方根误差(RMSE)分别是4.71和3.78,比数值集Z分别降低了1.3% 和18.7%;数据集Z_1~3 km和Z_6 min的CORR分别是0.82和0.88,比数据集Z分别提高了2.5%和10.0%;对于ZH、KDP和ZDR偏振量组成的数据集里面,数据集Z_ZDR_KDP的拟合性能最好,RMSE为3.97,比数据集Z的RMSE降低了14.6%,CORR是0.86,比数据集Z提高了7.5%;分别对0.6~5mm、5~10 mm、10~20 mm、20~30 mm、30~40 mm、40~50 mm和50 mm以上的7个降水量级的均方根误差(RMSE)、平均偏差比(MBR)、平均误差(AE)和相对误差(RE)等的统计结果表明,数据集Z_6 min降雨精度最高。Abstract: The ZH, ZDR and KDP of Guangzhou S-band dual polarization radar and rainfall data of 219 automatic meteorological stations in Foshan are used to form 8 datasets. Based on the convolutional neural network CNN, a radar quantitative precipitation estimation model is established, which will be used for ground precipitation estimation. The evaluating results of 8 datasets applied to the same precipitation estimation model are compared to each other. The results show that: The increase in the number of channels(N) of the datasets is beneficial to reduce the RMSE and improve CORR of the quantitative rainfall estimation results; For the datasets Z, Z_1~3 km and Z_6 min formed by ZH, as the number of channels increases, the performance of the data sets Z, Z_1~3 km and Z_6 min are gradually improved, and the RMSE of Z_1~3 km and Z_6 min are 4.71 and 3.78, which are -1.3% and 18.7% lower than that of dataset Z; the CORR of Z_1~3 km and Z_6 min are 0.82 and 0.88, which are 2.5% and 10% higher than that of dataset Z; Among other datasets composed of KDP and ZDR, the dataset Z_ZDR_KDP has the best fitting performance. The RMSE is 3.97, which is 14.6% lower than that of dataset Z, and the CORR is 0.86, which is 7.5% higher than that of dataset Z; The statistical results of RMSE, MBR, AE and RE for seven precipitation levels of 0.6~5 mm, 5~10 mm, 10~20 mm, 20~30 mm, 30~40 mm, 40~50 mm and above 50 mm respectively, show that dataset Z_6 min has the highest rainfall accuracy.
表 1 各数据集的参数数据集
数据集 尺寸(25×25×N) 参数配置 Z 25×25×1 1 km等高高度的ZH KDP 25×25×1 1 km等高高度的KDP Z_ZDR 25×25×2 1 km等高高度的ZH和ZDR Z_KDP 25×25×2 1 km等高高度的ZH和KDP ZDR_KDP 25×25×2 1 km等高高度的ZDR和KDP Z_ZDR_KDP 25×25×3 1 km等高高度的ZH、ZDR和KDP Z_1~3 km 25×25×3 1 km、2 km和3 km等高高度的ZH Z_6 min 25×25×10 1 h逐6 min的1 km等高高度的ZH 表 2 各数据集的整体评价指标
数据集 通道数 RMSE(mm) CC MBR ME(mm) RE KDP 1 4.88 0.78 0.996 -0.024 53% Z 1 4.65 0.8 1.002 0.011 49% Z_1~3 km 2 4.71 0.82 0.992 -0.047 45% Z_ZDR 2 4.38 0.83 1.000 0.001 46% Z_KDP 2 4.16 0.85 1.005 0.027 44% ZDR_KDP 3 4.15 0.85 1.005 0.026 44% Z_ZDR_KDP 3 3.97 0.86 0.992 -0.002 42% Z_6 min 10 3.78 0.88 1.000 0.006 37% -
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