Impact of the Intraseasonal Indo-west Pacific Convective Oscillation on Subseasonal-seasonal Atmospheric Predictability
摘要: 利用非线性局部Lyapunov指数和条件非线性局部Lyapunov指数定量估计了季节内印度洋-西太平洋对流涛动(IPCO)和实时多变量Madden-Julian指数(RMM指数)可预报期限,量化了季节内IPCO对S2S尺度大气可预报性的贡献,深入研究了季节内IPCO演变下S2S尺度可预报期限空间分布的变化规律。结果表明:(1)与RMM指数相比,季节内IPCO指数可预报性更强,可预报期限达到31天左右,比RMM指数高出2周以上;(2)印度洋-西太平洋区域S2S尺度大气可预报性最强,可预报期限达到30天以上,其中季节内IPCO是该地区的主要可预报性来源之一,其贡献达到6天,占总可预报期限的25%以上;(3)随着季节内IPCO的演变,印度洋-西太平洋地区S2S尺度大气可预报性有空间结构变化,表现为可预报期限异常的传播和振荡。S2S尺度大气可预报期限正负异常沿季节内IPCO传播路径,一支以赤道中西印度洋为起点北传至印度半岛,一支向东传播,经过海洋性大陆到赤道西太平洋后向北传播,到达日本南部。同时,可预报性异常的传播在在东印度洋和西太平洋表现出反向变化的特征,形成东西两极振荡,当季节内IPCO向正位相发展时,东印度洋具有更强的可预报性,西太平洋具有更弱的可预报性,反之亦然。季节内IPCO的发展(衰退)可使东印度洋(西太平洋)S2S尺度大气可预报性更强,表明模式预报技巧对此具有更大的提升空间。
- 季节内印度洋-西太平洋对流涛动(IPCO) /
- S2S尺度可预报性 /
- 热带季节内振荡 /
- 非线性局部Lyapunov指数
Abstract: This work quantifies the contribution of seasonal IPCO to S2S atmospheric predictability by using the nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent and conditional nonlinear local Lyapunov exponent to estimate the forecastable period of intraseasonal IPCO and RMM index, and investigates the variation pattern of the spatial distribution of S2S predictability limit under the evolution of intraseasonal IPCO. The results show that: (1) Compared with the RMM index, the intraseasonal IPCO index is more predictable, with predictability limit of about 31 days, which is more than 2 weeks higher than the RMM index. (2) The S2S atmospheric predictability is the strongest in the Indo-West Pacific, with predictability limit of more than 30 days, in which the intraseasonal IPCO is one of the main predictability sources in this region, with its contribution reaching more than 6 days. (3) With the evolution of intraseasonal IPCO, the S2S atmospheric predictability of the Indian Ocean western Pacific region has a spatial structure change,manifesting as the propagation and oscillation of predictability period anomalies. The S2S atmospheric predictability anomalies propagate along the intraseasonal IPCO paths, one starting from the equatorial western and central Indian Ocean northward to the Indian Peninsula, and one propagating eastward through the oceanic continents to the equatorial western Pacific Ocean and then northward to southern Japan.Meanwhile, the propagation of the predictability anomaly shows reverse variability in the eastern Indian Ocean and the western Pacific Ocean, forming an east-west polar oscillation. When the intraseasonal IPCO develops toward the positive phase, the eastern Indian Ocean has stronger predictability and the western Pacific Ocean has weaker predictability, and vice versa. The development (decline) of intraseasonal IPCO can make the S2S atmosphere in the East Indian Ocean (West Pacific) more predictable, and the model forecast skill has more room for improvement. -
图 2 同图 1,但对逐日IPCO指数的情形。
图 4 同图 3,但为季节内IPCO条件下平均可预报期限(单位:天)
图 5 (a)、(b)分别同图 3(a)、(b),但对季节内IPCO演变的8个位相平均S2S尺度可预报期限的空间分布(单位:天)。(c)-(j)同(a),但分别对应季节内IPCO演变的8个位相的S2S尺度可预报期限异常的空间分布。P1到P8表示季节内IPCO的8个位相,此处的异常是分别相对于图(a)中季节内IPCO的8个位相平均的可预报期限。(k)~(r)同(c)~(j),但对位势高度场的情形以及相对于(b)的异常。图(c)中红色实线和绿色实线分别表示季节内IPCO沿(75 °E,2.5 °N)至(75 °E,20 °N)和(60 °E,2.5 °N)经(135 °E,2.5 °N)至(135°E,30°N)的传播路径,黑色矩形表示赤道东印度洋(EEIO;70~100 °E,5 °S~10 °N)和西北太平洋(WNP;110~160 °E,5~20 °N)区域。
图 7 同图 6,但为路径(60 °E,2.5 °N)经(135 °E,2.5 °N)至(135 °E,30 °N)的情形
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