摘要: 计算1 月减6 月El Niño 3.4 指数与6—8 月平均200、850 hPa 风场的相关矢量,分析中等或强ElNiño/La Niña 事件后的夏季(6—8 月)中国东部降水异常分布、西太平洋副热带高压异常特征。结果表明,对ENSO 的响应,无论高、底层大气环流还是西太平洋副热带高压,1970 年代中期气候突变后变为更敏感。主要表现在:对衰减的El Niño 的响应,夏季南亚高压偏东,西太平洋副热带高压偏强、偏西、偏南,印度季风、南海季风减弱,黄河下游以南副热带季风增强。黄河中下游及以南形成异常环流辐合带,由El Niño 导致的降水正异常最有可能出现在这一西南-东北的带状区域。对衰减的La Niña 响应大致相反。Abstract: Related vectors for the difference between January and June of El Niño 3.4 and JJA 200 hPa and 850 hPa winds are calculated, and both JJA anomalous rainfall over the east of China and the west Pacific subtropical high after medium or strong El Niño/La Niña events are analyzed. The results indicated that at either high-or low-level circulation, the west Pacific subtropical high is sensitive to ENSO after the mid-1970s. In response to a decaying El Niño, the South Asian High is eastward in JJA, the west Pacific subtropical high is strong and located westward and southward, South China Sea summer monsoon and Indian monsoon are weakening, subtropical monsoon over on the south of the lower reach of the Yellow River is strong. Convergence zones of anomalous circulation are over the middle and lower reaches of the Yellow River and areas to its south. Anomalous JJA rainfall caused by El Niño is probable over this south-west to north-east zone. As La Niña decays, roughly the contrary happens.
Key words:
- Climatology /
- Asian summer monsoon /
- ENSO /
- JJA rainfall over the east of China
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