摘要: 考虑到我国南海特殊的战略位置和复杂的海气相互作用特征,基于中尺度大气模式(MM5)、区域海洋模式(POM)和第三代海浪模式(WW3),利用消息传递的并行编程方案,建立了适用于我国南海海区的中尺度大气-海流-海浪三元耦合模式系统,将该系统用于对南海典型台风过程的模拟研究。结果表明:耦合模式运行高效稳定,较好模拟了两次台风过程,与非耦合大气模式相比,提高了对台风路径和强度的模拟准确率;耦合模式模拟出了上层海洋对台风系统的响应特征,在台风中心附近,海面温度降低,海表流场和海浪场增强,相对于台风路径,响应具有右偏性;耦合模式中的波浪效应增强了海表应力,阻碍了台风系统的发展,增强了海面降温幅度和海流近惯性振荡的振幅。大气-海流-海浪耦合模式系统是研究南海中尺度海-气相互作用,提高南海区域气象水文预报能力的一种有效手段。Abstract: Based on MM5, POM and WW3, a regional atmosphere-ocean-wave coupled system is set up in this paper in the environment of Message Passing Interface (MPI). The coupled system is tested in a study of two typhoon processes in the South China Sea. The experiment results show that the coupled model runs steadily and efficiently and exhibits good capability in simulating the typhoon processes. It improves the simulation accuracy of typhoon track and intensity. Feedbacks of the top ocean layer to the typhoon are remarkable on the right side of the typhoon track. Sea surface temperatures decline and the ocean current and wave height intensify. In the coupling run, the decline of SST is intensified and the inertial oscillation amplitude of the ocean current is increased as the ocean wave effect is considered. Therefore the atmosphere-ocean-wave coupled system is helpful in studying air-sea interaction and improving the capability to predict and prevent meteorological and oceanic disasters in the South China Sea.
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