摘要: 利用1961—2008 年云南省124 站及其相邻省市区的37 个地面站的逐日平均气温、降水量资料,客观分析了考虑气温垂直递减率的气温细网格数据。在此基础上,分析研究了云南近50 年来的气候变化。(1)云南近50 年来的气温变化,趋势上与北半球和全国一致,但气候变暖的速率相对缓慢;(2) 云南气候带面积有明显变化,北热带和南亚热带面积增加,而中亚热带、北亚热带和温带的面积减少;(3) 云南冬季是气温上升幅度最大的季节,然后依次是秋季、夏季和春季,虽然近50 年来云南大部分区域气温呈上升趋势,但少数区域气温却呈下降趋势,这些降温区主要集中在低海拔河谷地区;(4) 云南近50 年来降水量年平均变化不大,但季节和空间分布的变化却比较明显,雨季和主汛期降水量呈下降趋势,干季呈上升趋势;在空间分布上,滇东地区呈一致性下降趋势,滇中呈一致性上升趋势;滇西和滇南地区降水量的增减趋势呈交错分布。Abstract: Using the daily temperature precipitation observation data of 124 stations in Yunnan and 37 stations over the neighboring provinces( or municipalities) during the period 1961~2008, we objectively analyzed the fine-grid temperature data taking into account the vertical temperature lapse rate. On this basis, the climate changes of Yunnan over the last 50 years were studied. The results indicated that: (1) The temperature change trend of Yunnan over the last 50 years is consistent with that for the Northern Hemispheric and China, but the warming rate is relatively slow. (2) The climate zone of Yunnan also experiences significant changes. The area of the north tropical zone and the south subtropical zone have increased and the area of the middle subtropical zone, north subtropical zone and temperate zone have decreased. (3) The amplification of winter temperature is the biggest, followed by autumn, summer and spring temperature. Although for the last 50 years, the temperatures in most regions of Yunnan show an upward trend, they display a decreasing trend in a few regions. These cooling areas mainly concentrate in low-elevation valley areas. (4) The change in the mean annual precipitation of Yunnan over the last 50 years is not significant, but the seasonal and spatial change are very substantial. The precipitation of the rainy season (May—Oct.) and flood season (Jun.—Aug.) reduces and dry-season precipitation increases. In the spatial distribution, the precipitation in the eastern (middle) part of Yunnan reduces (increases) consistently. The precipitation in the west and south part of the province alternates between increasing and decreasing.
Key words:
- climate change /
- climatic zone change /
- spatial trend /
- Yunnan
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