摘要: 根据近300种方志及其他文献对广东自公元1500年以来的降雪记载,绘出每50年广东降雪南界,与1950-1985年间广东108站气候记录的降雪南界相比较。可以看出,广东东部的降雪南界有些南北迁移,广东中部则均比现代降雪南界更南些,而广东西部变迁较大,南北相差幅度近4纬距之多,十七世纪和十九世纪上半叶,降雪南界都曾推至海南岛北部沿海地区。 比较1950-1985年广东的极端最低气温的分布,发现降雪南界约相当于极端最低气温为-1℃的等值线。由此推算,十七世纪及十八世纪上半叶,广东东部沿海曾出现-1℃的极端最低气温,珠江三角洲北部多数时期极端最低气温达到-1℃或以下,而南部在十七世纪和十九世纪也达-1℃,广东西部除十六世纪下半叶、十八世纪下半叶及二十世纪上半叶外,均较现代为低,尤以十七世纪和十九世纪上半叶为最,雷州半岛及海南岛的极端最低气温要比现代低2-3℃。Abstract: According to 300 geographical and historical references the south boundaries of snow events in Guang Dong since 1500 A. D. are given in each half century and compared with the observed south bounrary of snow events of 108 meteorological stations in 1950- 1985. A little variations can be seen in East Guang Dong and all the historical boundaries locate in the south side of the modern boundary in Central Guang Dong. Much variations of the historical boundaries are seen in West Guang Dong, maximum amplitude about 4 latitudinal degrees. The south boundaries of snow events had been found in the north coast of Hainan Island in the seventeenth century and first half of tha nineteenth century.Comparing the absolute minimum temperature of 1950-1985 in Guang Dong, the south bounrary of snow events is equivalent round about to -1℃ isoline. So the absolute minimum temperature of -1℃ was seen in eastern coast of Guang Dong in seventeenth century and first half of eighteenth century. In the north part of Pearl River Delta the absolute minimum temperature of -1℃ or lower occurred in most investigated periods and the absolute minimum temperature of -1℃ also occurred in the south part of Pearl River Delta in seventeenth and nineteenth century. In West Guang Dong the absolute minimum temperature of most investigated periods were lower than the modern one. It would be 2-3℃ lower than modem records in Leizhou Peninsula and Hainan Island in seventeenth and first half of nineteenth century.

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