Based on a relationship among potential equivalent temperature,equivalent temperature and pressure,a linear link is shown to exist between potential equi -valent temperature and equivalent temperature at a given pressure while a nonlinear link is found between potential equivalent temperature and pressure at a given equivalent temperature.A new scheme for calculating the fiducial pressure is then proposed According to it,the T
eη which corresponds to the θ
eη can be interpolated linearly during the first adjustment and then the P
η corresponding to θ
eη can be calculated by another form of the same relation:P
eη)).When areal question is considered,it would be best to take spatial mean during the second adjustment,for some higher or lower θ
e without corresponding to P
r may appear in using the temporal mean.The third adjustment,similar to the first one,must be added if there is unstable stratification after the first two adjustments.Compared with the previous version,of the scheme it exhibits significant advantages in determining the fiducial pressure objectively and calculating the wet available energy accurately.