Based on the Combined REOF analysis of the Pacific SST anomaly fields in wintertime and Eurasina 500hPa height fields lagging 0 to 6 months, it was found that the winter SST anomaly distribution which is correlated with 500hPa circulation can be sorted into three patterns, that is EC pattern, KC pattern and WD pattern. The anomaly centers of these patterns are located in eastern/central equatorial Pacific-Canifornia ocean current regions, kuroshio current region and west wind current region respectively. It was influences of the SST patterns on Eurasian 500hPa circulation. The influenced region is mainly located in low-latitude when lagging is 0 to 3 months and the region can extend to the mid-latitude when lagging is more than 3 months. Therefore, either low-latitude ocean or mid-latitude ocean have significant effects on mid-latitude eastAsian circulation.