Using the ECMWF data of 1980 to 1983, the intraseasonal component of the variation of the atmospheric moisture sink< Q
2 >(Vertically integrated) over Asian monsoon region is examined, including the standard deviation, EOF patterns and the propagation of the oscillation. The results show, consistant with< Q
1 > especially in summer, that the large intraseasonal variance of < Q
2 >is mainly confined over the active monsoon region of Asia and surround areas, and that the main EOF patterns indicate as well the relationship of intraseasonal oscillations between regions of India-Burma, the coast of East China and the western Pacific while the corresponding the EOF time coefficients have that their dominant period ranging from 3O to 60 days. On the other hand, between < Q
2 >and < Q
1 >there exist differences in the features of the intraseasonal variation between < Q
1 >and < Q
2 >especially in winter. The propagational difference of 30-60 day fluctuation over regions of East Asia and South Asia in summer was Found by means of lagged correlation analysis. To some extent, this regional difference indicates the difference of the two Asian monsoon systems.