During the "Eighth Five Year Plan",a new operational mesoscale numerical prediction system is developed,which is called the "Regional Enhanced Numerical Prediction System". The system possesses higher resolution (45km grid size in horizontal,10 layers in vertical),as well as full physical processes,and can run operationally in Guangzhou Regional Meteorological Centre (GRMC). A Plenty of experiments indicate that,it shows better performance in predicting various weather systems affecting South China,especially the typhoon and heavy rain in the first flood season. Verification to the prediction of all typhoon cases affecting South China in 1993─1995 indicate that,rainfall prediction scores of the system are obviously higher than those of the LAFS in the National Meteorological Centre,and trace prediction error no larger than those of NWPS in main world centres such as the National Huricane Center of NOAA and JMA. The aim of the poper is to give a generalized introduction and analysis to the system and its performance.