Dure to the influence of the typhoon 9608 and its low pressure, there is torrential rain in North China from 3rd to 5th Ang. 1996, the torrential rain depends on the high energy and vapour the typhoon low pressure provibes. Using the halance equation of kinetic energy for the divergent wind and the rotational wind, calculation is made of the arca-averaged energetic budgets and conversions over the region of the typhoon low pressure during the amplification of the torrential rain in order to indicate the maintaining mechanism of the typhoon low pressure and the relationship between the typhoon low pressure and its outside enhancing torrential rain. The following are the results: (1) The vertical total kinetic energy from surface to 100hPa of the typhoonlow pressure region is growing during the amplification of the torrential rain, it helps maintainthe typhoon low pressure. The growth of the total kinetic energy mainly comes from the rotational wind energy. (2) In the horizontal flux of the vertical total layers of the trosposphere,
HF,convergence is shown, it is divergence in the upper trosposheric (300hPa-100hPa) layer butcovergence in the low layer (800hPa-1000hPa). The kinetic energy generation term
G is positive in every larer of the trospospher, showing that the pressure field powering (especially in lowlayer) is the source of energy for maintaining the typhoon low pressure. The vertical total of the dissipotion term
R is-21.05W/m
2, showing that there is the dissipetion of large-scale kinetic energy to maintain the cummulus convection of the typhoon low pressure. The convergence of the horizontal flux and the generation of the kinetic energy make the typhoon low pressure decrease less and helps maintain the torrential enhancement.