By using the hourly wind, air temperature, humidity, and sea surface temperature data measured at the vessel Moana Wave and buoy in the warm pool of western Pacific during the IOP of TOGA COARE, the fluxes over sea surface were computed. By analyzing the characteristics of the variation of the latent heat flux with sea surface temperature, it is found that during weak wind period, a maximum value of latent heat flux appears at some certain SST, but this phenomenon does not occur during strong wind period. So the variation is mainly caused by the variation of wind, and then by the humidity difference between air and sea, and the transfer coefficient with SST. The relationship between the fluxes and the meteorological elements during weak wind period, westerly burst period and convection disturbed period are also analyzed by using correlation method. The main conclusions are: Latent heat flux and momentum flux are mainly determined by wind, sensible heat flux by the potential temperature difference between air and sea. Precipitation affects the sensible heat flux through the potential temperature difference and wind.