摘要: 介绍了新开发的“华南区域短期气候预测模式系统”,实例模拟分析表明系统具有良好的性能,适合作短期气候预测。模式对月平均、逐候平均及逐日的形势场都有良好的模拟效果,并能刻画更多的细节。天气、气候信息能通过边界无阻尼地传入和移出区域模式。预报能反映几乎所有的天气、气候变化过程,预报变化的趋势、幅度、速度、位相等都与实况相当。降水预报的雨区大小、位置、强度都与实况较一致,并能反映一些小的降水中心。
- 区域短期气候预测模式 /
- 实例模拟 /
- 性能分析
Abstract: In this paper, a newly established "South China Regional Short Range Climate Prediction Model System" is introduced and its performance is analyzed in real case simulation. It shows that the system has a better performance and suitable for short range climate modeling. The model simulates well the monthly mean, pentad mean and daily field and can depict more details than coarse resolution analyses. Weather systems and information can pass into the model domain and out from the model through lateral boundaries without notable damping. Almost all of the weather and climate changes can be reflected in the simulation, in which both the changing tendencies, amplitudes, speeds, and phases are in consistent with the real cases. The simulated precipitation is much close to the observed one, both in the extent, position and in the intensity of rainfall. In addition, some smaller precipitation centers could also be reflected in the simulation.-
Key words:
- regional short range climate model /
- real case simulation /
- performance
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