摘要: 建立一个包含年平均二氧化碳含量[CO2]、下垫面温度、边界层气温以及云量的零维气候模式,用于研究CO2对气候的影响。结果表明,该模式能模拟出现代气候态以及[CO2]变化的趋势。进而用与该模式相应的现代气候平衡态的偏差方程,考察了在CO2的作用下,气候系统由定常态到周期态再到混沌态的演变过程。Abstract: In this paper, a climatic model with zero-dimension, in which the annual mean CO2 content of the atmosphere, underlying surface temperature, atmospheric temperature in the boundary layer and global cloudiness are chosen as climatic variables, is proposed to study the climatic variations affected by CO2 content. The results show that this model can be used to simulate the modern climatic states and the variational trend of CO2 content as well. Further more, the deviation equations of the equilibrium in modern climatic system corresponding to this model are used to investigate the evoluting process of climatic system from stationary, periodic to chaotic states.
Key words:
- CO2 /
- nonlinearity /
- climatic model
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