摘要: 利用1979~1995年共17年美国NOAA卫星观测的OLR、HIRS-Tb12与NCEP再分析的同期资料进行对比分析,证明了用卫星观测的红外、水汽双通道(OLR反演上升运动、HIRS-Tb12反演下沉运动)去反演纬向垂直环流是一个很好的途径。定义了卫星双通道反演的纬向垂直环流指数,利用该定义用卫星资料计算并反演了气候平均的全年及四季的纬向垂直环流,详细地讨论了它的气候学特征。同时又利用上述定义研究了3次典型ENSO过程的演变特征,指出太平洋的东上升支,在ENSO盛期都越过日界线,这是ENSO过程的一个共同特征。太平洋上的正Walker环流上升支在ENSO盛期的强度与ENSO过程的强弱有关。Abstract: In this paper the climatic characteristics of the equatorial circulation are studied by using monthly 17-year OLR,HIRS-Tbl2 and NCEP reanalysis data (observed by the U.S. NOAA satellite). It is further confirmed that it's a perfect approach to retrieve the equatorial zonal circulation by using the IR and WV channels(OLR indicates the ascending motion and HIRS-Tb12 the descending motion ). The definition of the index of zonal circulation with the OLR and FWV are presented and the 17-year mean annual and seasonal equatorial circulation are drawn. The climatic characteristics of the equatorial zonal circulation are analyzed in detail. Consequently results of the other observation are corrected. At the same time, the evolving characteristics of three representative ENSO courses are studied. The result indicates that it is a common characteristic of ENSO characteristics that the east ascending branch of Pacific Ocean exceeds international date line, and the intensity of the ascending branch of Walker circulation in Pacific Ocean is related to the intensity of ENSO courses.
Key words:
- 0LR /
- HIRS-Tb12 /
- equatorial zonal circulation /
- Walker circulation /
- ENS0
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